Friday, May 16, 2008


Dear all,
I found this piece of paper on the ground but I cannot find its owner. A big thank you to the owner for giving me the chance to share this with you.
It is an interesting article on sharks, here it is.

Sharks have been around for about 400 million years. Even before dinosaurs roamed the earth, sharks hunted in the oceans. They are such good survivors that they have had little need to evolve in the last 150 million years. These ancient predators fascinate adults and children alike.

Sharks have the most powerful jaw on the planet. Unlike most animals' jaws, both the sharks' upper and lower jaws move. A shark bites with its lower jaw first and then its upper. It tosses its head back and forth to tear loose a piece of meat which it swallows whole. Sharks never run out of teeth. If one is lost, another spins forward from its row of backup teeth. A shark may grow 20,000 teeth in its lifetime!

Almost all sharks are carnivores or meat eaters. They live on a diet of fish and sea mammals (like dolphins and seals) and even prey on turtles and seagulls. Sharks even eat other sharks. For example, a tiger shark might eat a bull shark, a bull shark might eat a blacktip shark and a blacktip shark might eat a dogfish shark.

Tiger shark
Bull shark
Blacktip shark

Not all sharks are fierce carnivores. Some are quite harmless. Oddly enough, the most harmless sharks tend to be the largest. The basking shark, the whale shark and the mega-mouth sharks all fit this description. These huge sharks eat plankton, a tiny shrimp-like creature found in the ocean.

Whale shark

The most dangerous sharks are the Great White shark, the Tiger shark, the Hammerhead shark, the Mako shark and the Bull shark. On average, there are only about 100 shark attacks each year and only 10 of these result in a human death.

Great white shark

Hammerhead shark

One of the reasons that sharks are such successful predators is that they have very sharp senses. Two thirds of a sharks' brain is dedicated to its keenest sense - smell.

Wow.. sounds interesting. Hopefully, I'll get to see a shark on my diving trips in the future!

Read about exciting dive trips with sharks!

Please post any questions or knowledge you have of sharks as comments. Thank you!


Unknown said...

i thought rex had the most pro teeths in the univers(exclude aliens like ... marsiling???)

dayu said...

y are there an oxygen or
bla bla tank in 1 of the
shark pic???

damien said...

very interestin


misslee said...

Hi Ong,
may we know who you are? Please leave your name for your post.
I believe Rex are not counted since they are extinct.

Hi Yu Zhi,
It is an air tank (as mentioned in class about my diving trip), leisure divers breath compressed air under water.
Look carefully at the picture, I believe it is a diver beside the shark. :)

Hi damien,
thanks for the encouraging comment, I thought nobody enjoyed the article and found it interesting. I spent quite some effort typing, posting the article and attaching pictures I found on the internet.
It is nice to be appreciated! :)