Friday, May 16, 2008

Moodle Login

Dear class,
You can post a comment here if you have any log in problems for moodle or have forgotten your password.
I will reset the password to 123456.
With regards,
Miss Lee

Dear class (especially to Osel),
Please do not post personal messages as a posting on the blog.
I think it is not very appropriate as the post can be read by all. You should also be mindful of your language when you are posting here for everyone to read. You should direct personal messages to my email. :)
With regards,
Miss Lee

ms lee,
i forgot my moodle password. could you email it to me?


dayu said...

can't enter moodle,
seeking for help.

...yu zhi...

dayu said...

another SOS:
losted;my drug ...?
oh yup,ambassedor.
is it spelled like that???

Great Radiance said...

Ok. Sorry ms lee.

misslee said...

No problem Osel.

Osel and Yu Zhi,
both your passwords have been reset to 123456.

dayu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dayu said...

steel can't enter leh?
y huh?