Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On Holiday Homework...

Dear boys and girls,I know this homework is rather overwhelming for you. I will give you an option of doing 2 sets of exam papers only for the subject that you have scored 85 and above.Of course you can complete 4 sets per subject if you're motivated to do so! :)

I would like some of you to share (in comments) what homework you have completed to inspire your classmates that they are capable of finishing the homework too! I know so far both Terence and Fiona have completed their Science Project! Thanks for the prompt and great job! :)

Miss Lee


Hannah said...

Hi Miss Lee,

When is the deadline for the Master Science?

And do we email you the project? But if it is the circuit one?


P.S: Sorry for asking so many questions =P

Ms Pok said...

miss lee,why did you post this post 2 times?

misslee said...

Hi Ci En,
There was an error when I was posting, so there was a double post. I have since deleted the double post.

Hi Hannah,
The deadline is stated in the MBS scientist card. Please refer to it k? Of course you can't email the circuit to me :)