Monday, April 21, 2008

P5 Adventure Camp

Dear 5I-ians,

Hope everyone enjoyed yourself during the P5 Camp.
Besides having to put up with mosquitoes, cramped sleeping huts, lack of rest etc, I believe it was an unforgettable experience for all of you.

Many of you overcame your fear for dirt (during the nature rumble), fear for water (during kayaking), fear for heights (during the confidence rope course). You must have learned more about yourself during these three days at Jalan Bahtera.

Moreover, I saw your spontaneity while playing games, sportmanship when cheering for your team mates, self discipline and self control while waiting for instructions (and food!), leadership skills in organising your group as well as the willingness to serve while performing your duties during meal times.

I am truly proud of all of you!

Here are some pictures I took of you during the camp!

Cheers, Miss Lee

Stanford missing his pillow already

On the way there

Grouchy black cat
Zhi Han serving food

Someone is hungry!

Dirty but happy after nature rumble!

Look who's that over the wall?!

Braving the height

Guess who's this?


Who's that and what is he trying to do??

Campfire's burning!!

Hao Ming helping Reefver with his barang barang

Happy to go home!

Carrying the flag with pride

Bernice and her dirty plate

Guess who's that?

Another one?
Mosquitoes had a feast on Shi Zhang's blood!

Home Sweet Home soon....

Where are my things?!
Lost and found!

That's all folks!

View the rest of the pictures here. (will update the link soon!)


Miss Lee


wen xuan said...

why are there lots of mosquitoes

misslee said...

Hi Wen Xuan,
there might be pockets of breeding ground near the area. Puddles of water might be accumulated in the forest, near the beach..etc

damien said...

i hate mosquitoes!!!

misslee said...

Its probably part and parcel of camping life.. I believe the mosquitoes at Jalan Bahterah were fed full with children's blood that they are not interested in mine! hehe!

misslee said...
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Jia Jing said...

i was bitten by mosquitoes on the 1st night, but on the 2nd night,i used my sleeping bag 2 cover my body so no mosquitoes bit me!!! YAY!!!i am looking 4ward 2 such camps but nt mosquitoes! ITCHY!!!

misslee said...

haha that was smart, Jia Jing :)

weilin said...

I was so forgetful.... I sprayed insect repellent on my arms and i forgotten the legs... I sprayed on the legs i forgotten to spray the arms ..... in the end I got mosquitoe bites all over.... :( I was really tired after the camp